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Penny's Bio

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Penny Locaso
Biography & Headshots

🌈 Happiness Hacker    📣 International Speaker 

🧠 Budding Psychologist   🧘‍♂️ Yoga Teacher   📚 Author

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Penny Locaso is the world’s first Happiness Hacker on a quest to teach 10 million humans, by 2025 how to flourish in life.

Voted one of the most influential female entrepreneurs in Australia, Penny is her own ongoing experiment. A little while back she turned her life upside down in pursuit of happiness. She left a sixteen-year career as an executive, relocated her family from Perth back to Melbourne, left an 18-year relationship, and started her own purpose-driven company HackingHappy.co  

With over 20 years’ experience in enabling adaptability Penny's calling is to empower people to release their fear of uncertainty, find their flow, and flourish.

Penny works with governments, corporations, and educators to build a more intentionally adaptable society. She has partnered with the likes of Google, Microsoft, Booking.com, SalesForce, Deloitte, and LuluLemon, to name a few. 

Penny created The Intentional Adaptability QuotientÂŽ. A world-first psychometric tool and education program that decodes the skills required to not only navigate but flourish in complex and uncertain change.

Alongside Penny's entrepreneurial endeavours, she is the published author of Hacking Happiness, a Harvard Business Review contributor, a passionate yoga teacher, a faculty member at the esteemed Singularity University, and a student completing her Graduate Diploma in Psychology.

Imagine what could be possible for you, your team, or your community if you had a Penny in your pocket!