It’s no secret that corporates globally are short on talent and high on burnout; that’s probably why you’re here.
So what does it take to keep your team happy, motivated and fulfilled? The answer lies in the study of human flourishing.
Behavioural science has proven that workplace well-being goes way beyond flexible working and lunchtime yoga.
Flourishing lies in the middle of the Venn diagram between freedom, purpose and boundaries. It's here we can find the balance between high performance and happiness.
They feel:
> Physically and mentally exhausted, operating in robot mode, having lost their spark and passion
> They’ve become a slave to people-pleasing, spread so thin that no one’s getting the best of them.
> Like they’re not enough. Watching others and wondering how they get it all done and keep it together
> They've been operating in a triage situation. Fighting fires that leave no space to recharge their batteries
For you and your team, flourishing is not a luxury; it’s a necessity.
As a leader, you have the opportunity to be the change and reignite the spark across your organisation.
The keynote and workshop themes below leverage the best of positive psychology, with the science of adaptability to empower you and your team to flourish.
Are you busy? Do you find every waking moment full? Do you feel exhausted by a never-ending to-do list?
Welcome to the busy epidemic; a place where productivity has become our disease, and it’s catapulting our lives toward burnout.
This interactive session calls bulls**t on busy and provides practical tools to remove the barrier it’s creating between you and your ability to flourish.
Want to find out how to call bulls**t on busy for your team?
An understanding that in order to realise our potential, we need to focus on new ways of being rather than doing.
An understanding of why building skills in Intentional Adaptability® (IAQ®) is critical to flourishing and using it to kick busy to the curb.
Practical tools that enable their ability to unlock greater energy, presence and impact in each day.
Do you feel like you’re operating in robot mode? Do you keep moving yourself to the bottom of your to-do list? Do you struggle to set boundaries in work and life?
According to McKinsey, employees who are “living their purpose” at work had four times higher engagement and five times higher well-being.
It's time to shift from existing to living and unlock healthy high performance in your team.
In this session, we’ll leverage the science of psychology to shine a spotlight on why flourishing is not a luxury; it’s a necessity for both the business and your people.
Want to unlock healthy-high performance for your teams?
Book a discovery callThe ability to define flourishing on their terms.
Skills to feel more present in the moments that matter.
Ways to reconnect with their energy and find simple joy in each day.
Are the lines between work and home so blurred they’re practically invisible? Does the expectation of being ‘always on’ come at the expense of your health? Do you wake up exhausted and drained, no matter how much sleep you’ve had?
Welcome to the Burnout Superhighway, where in the corporate world, it's peak hour every day!
With more than 30% of workers now feeling like they are always on (McKinsey, 2021), it's clear that the boundaries between work and life for many are non-existent, and the mental and physical impact is proving toxic.
This workshop will support you and your team to sleep more peacefully at night and bounce out of bed feeling energised and courageous.
Is it time to find the intersection between freedom, purpose and boundaries for you and your team?
Book a discovery callClarity on what healthy high performance looks like and how busy is a barrier.
A setting boundaries framework that enables space for more of what matters.
An Energy Audit Tool that enables the redirection of energy when it matters most.
The current environment has left many of us feeling afraid. Afraid of slowing down, afraid of keeping up, afraid of holding on and afraid of letting go. It’s not only overwhelming but exhausting, and it’s standing between your people and their unrealised potential.
Fear is the number one barrier to adapting and making impactful change, but it doesn’t have to be.
What if fear was the greatest opportunity you and your team had to pave the path towards innovation both personally and professionally?
In this keynote, we’ll unpack how fear is the greatest lever available to us in making impactful and meaningful change. Your team will walk away with practical tools that they can use to elevate their courage muscle, and resilience.
BOOK A DISCOVERY CALLImagine the innovation that could be created in your business if fear did not hold your people back.
If, instead, leaders encouraged everyone to bring their whole self to work.
Fear of failure or judgement is often the number one barrier preventing your people from stepping into meaningful change and expressing their brilliant ideas at work.
Ready to learn how to process fear to unlock innovation and shape the change you seek?
Book a discovery callBuild resilience through the practice of getting comfortable with discomfort.
Positively influence outcomes and behaviour with confidence, even under stress.
Respond proactively to fear and positively shift their attitude towards failure.
Level up human connection and build an understanding of their peers.
All of the evidence suggests that the environmental impact of the past few years has wired our brains into survival mode. This has limited our ability to realise healthy high performance, resulting in a burnout epidemic across corporates globally.
The biggest opportunity, leaders like you, have right now is to bring intention and meaning to the forefront of how you adapt to change and enable your team to do the same.
But how might you do that?
Enter the world's first psychometrically validated (and soon-to-be-published in The American Journal of Psychology Consulting) Intentional Adaptability Quotient® (IAQ®).
This unique framework is designed to decode the skills required to navigate uncertainty, kick toxic productivity aside and unlock healthy high performance.
Ready to empower yourself and other leaders to create a culture of adaptability and respond mindfully to challenges as they arise?
Book a discovery callEnables you to get your hands dirty and build skills in this ground-breaking practice.
Uses a self-assessment to establish current levels of adaptability and accurately measure improvements.
Creates a clear and action-orientated approach to embrace a more adaptable style of leadership.
Studies prove that prioritising physical and mental health in the workplace is associated with a 21% improvement in productivity, a 46% improvement in employee engagement, and a 45% improvement in well-being.
How much innovation and high performance could your organisation achieve if you enable your teams to flourish?