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Six Podcasts To Amplify Your IAQ

December 08, 2018

Six Podcasts To Amplify Your IAQ

Do you love a podcast? Do you use it as a means to challenge your view of the world? If the answer is yes and yes, then I have a little end-of-year gift for you – six podcasts that will challenge you to shift the way you look at the world and amplify your IAQ®.

The concept of IAQ® is fast gaining momentum globally as many of us seek to find the ‘how’ to help us navigate a complex and unfamiliar future. Your Intentional Adaptability Quotient® (IAQ®) is a key lever to enable you to thrive amidst the fourth industrial revolution. It’s the measure of how skilled you are in making intentional change in an environment that is evolving at a rapid pace. According to the Harvard Business Review, it is the new competitive advantage

If you're seeking to indulge in a little podcasting over the holiday period, and your IAQ® is something you’d like to turn the dial up on in 2019, then here’s a list I suspect you may enjoy.

The Knowledge Project / Getting Better by Being Wrong

The Knowledge Project / Learning How To Learn

Ted Radio Hour / 651 The Power of Curiosity

Super Soul Conversations Will.i.am The Future of Social Media and Artificial Intelligence

Masters Of Scale / The 10 Commandments Of Startup Success with Guest Host Tim Ferriss

Coffee Pod / #43 Canadian Powerhouse Vicki Saunders, Founder of SheEo, Entrepreneur, and award-winning mentor

It's worth also taking a peek at the range of amazing interviews we have with intergenerational leaders over on the Human First podcast. This is our commitment to conversations that support the amplification of your intentional adaptability.

BKindred is on a mission to teach 10 million humans how to intentionally adapt, in order to future proof happiness by 2025. We put humans first in a world of technology, skilling you, your people and organisation to thrive in the future. Learn more about the Intentional Adaptability Quotient® (IAQ®) and why it is the new competitive advantage. Are you ready for the future? Take our free Intentional Adaptability Quotient® Self-Assessment here.