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Brave women write with Carolyn Tate | Episode 86

May 08, 2023

Brave women write with Carolyn Tate | Episode 86

There are those people that you stumble across that influence the trajectory of your life in ways you could not imagine when you first connect with them.

Carolyn Tate is one of those people for me and she's someone I'd like you to meet.

Carolyn was instrumental in connecting me to the power of finding purpose and equally in the realisation that I could use my voice on stages to impact the lives of thousands.

The author of six books Carolyn is a pioneer of purpose in Australia and has inspired countless individuals to pursue their purpose and make an impact.

In this weeks podcast Carolyn and I reconnect and explore the power of purpose in stepping towards the life you long for. We also tap into her latest book Brave Women Write a powerful call-to-action for women to harness the power of their words to create meaningful change for themselves and the world.

If you're looking for practical tips on how to write the next chapter of you this podcast is not to be missed.

For more on Carolyn's work, to grab a copy or her book or join her FREE writing group CLICK HERE

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