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I've Failed Massively & It May Help You! | Episode 18

March 27, 2021

I've Failed Massively & It May Help You! | Episode 18




Last week I experienced a huge failure in my business, it is still extremely raw, real, and uncomfortable but I wanted to share it with you for the following reasons:

  • It’s through failure, reflecting on it, and sharing it that we grow and inspire others to do the same
  • It’s my duty as a happiness hacker to show you the good, the bad, and the ugly of my journey and the value of imperfect experimentation. If I don’t you may struggle to find the courage to lean into the messy discomfort that comes with living a life in alignment with what matters to you.
In this episode of the Hacking Happy Podcast we will explore...
  • The discomfort of failure
  • How to use it as an opportunity for growth
  • A couple of simple ways to process failure and come out the other side a little better than what you were before
If you'd like to go deeper into how to embrace the benefits of failure and use it as a lever for opportunity grab a copy of my book Hacking Happiness here.

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