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If you could write a letter to balance what would you say with Shanelle Franklin and Tamara Linke

November 28, 2023

If you could write a letter to balance what would you say with Shanelle Franklin and Tamara Linke


What if writing a Letter To Balance could change your life and the way you define work life balance?

What if it gave you permission to gift yourself greater self compassion and in the process unlocked more presence, connection and harmony in each day?

In this weeks episode of the Hacking Happy podcast I'm joined by comedy duo Shanelle Franklin and Tamara Linke from the renowned The Beautiful Nightmare Podcast. A podcast for when you're flying by the seat of your pants.

We go deep into unpacking what these rock stars would say if they could write a Letter To Balance, how their relationship with balance has evolved based on their stage of life and the role of comedy in finding balance.

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