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Stepping into who you are with Leah Selfe | Episode 98

August 21, 2023

Stepping into who you are with Leah Selfe | Episode 98

What would happen if you started noticing and listening to the signals life sent you? How might you change your life to create more freedom, harmony and space to be the role model you long to be for your kids?

After two redundancies in a year, Leah Selfe decided to stop letting her career be dictated by someone else and stepped into who she wanted to be. In just three years, she's created a thriving online business as The Productivity Queen.

She’s passionate about creating the lifestyle she deserves and being a role model to her 13-year-old son, which means building a sustainable business that encourages that lifestyle – and that’s what she now does for others.

In this week's episode of the Hacking Happy podcast, Leah shares her journey in all its rawness in the hope that it might inspire you to stop longing and instead start stepping into the life you long for NOW.

Inject this fresh dose of inspiration and transformation into your ears today!


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