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The Journey Of A Happiness Hacker | Episode 1

September 26, 2020

The Journey Of A Happiness Hacker | Episode 1


This is the first episode of The Hacking Happy Podcast so I felt it would be fitting to share the back story with you. I want to give you a feel for who I am, what I’m about and where I intend to take you with this podcast long term.

In this episode I share openly my journey towards becoming a happiness hacker and the key lessons I’ve learnt along the way.

Together we’ll explore:

  • How happiness is found at the intersection of what you long for but are avoiding.
  • How being an imperfect experimenter can give you permission to lean into the discomfort of change you’ve longed for.
  • Why fear is the greatest lever you have available to you in making the change you seek and how to lean into it more often.
  • Why the longer you wait the longer it will take. There is no perfect plan in the realm of hacking happiness. It’s the action that breeds the clarity.

I truly hope you enjoy!  

If you’d like to reach out with any feedback, ideas for an episode that may help you or to inquire about working with me feel free to email me hello@hackinghappy.co

If you’d like to get social, come on over and say hi
