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The Tech Sabbath Experiment | Episode 14

February 14, 2021

The Tech Sabbath Experiment | Episode 14




Imagine being without your phone for 24 hours... worse still, imagine if your laptop or your Apple watch was gone too.

Now imagine if this happened every week and it was an intentional choice... welcome to the Tech Sabbath Experiment.

A 4-week experiment where my good friend Lisa Leong and I decided that every Friday night from 5.30pm we would completely disconnect from all technological distractions in order to rest and recharge our brains and reconnect with ourselves and the world around us.

In this podcast we explore how:
  • switching off enabled us to switch on
  • to create your own tech sabbath ritual
If you'd like to dig deeper into understanding how you can minimise distraction take the free Hacking Happiness Assessment via hackinghappyassessment.com. This is a brilliant way to hold the mirror up to where your behaviour is out of alignment with the things that truly make you feel good.

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