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There are no quick wins in the game of growth | Episode 77

December 18, 2022

There are no quick wins in the game of growth | Episode 77

In this week's episode, I want to support you in creating the space for reflection at the end of another year and provide you with some powerful hacks on how to step into 2023 with intention, calm, and presence.  

I also throw in some brilliant reflection prompts courtesy of the amazing James Clear, author of Atomic Habits who I had the good fortune to see speak on my recent trip to Mexico.   


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Thanks for listening to this week's episode! If this podcast helped you in your journey to injecting more of what makes you feel good into each day please head over to iTunes, subscribe to the show, and leave us an honest review.   It's your reviews that enable me to impact more lives for the happier!

  • Apply for the 2023 Calm Collective intimate group coaching program here
  • Learn more about Attentional Resource Theory here