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When it’s time to show up as who you really are with Alex Bakowski | Episode 79

February 06, 2023

When it’s time to show up as who you really are with Alex Bakowski | Episode 79

Imagine shaving off parts of who you really are to fit in and how over time, that would impact your ability to love what you do and who you are.  
Meet Alex Bakowski, a successful executive who, at the top of her game, decided to walk away from her safe career so that she could add back those shaved-off parts, show up as her true self and shape a future of work that enables others to do the same.  
In this story of transformation, Alex shares: 
  • How she found the clarity and self-belief to start her first business,
  • Why connection is central to meaningful work,
  • And why she is committed to shaping more human workplaces.
You can connect with Alex via herWebsite orLinkedIn
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