Fear Is Your Future Resources

July 03, 2018

Fear Is Your Future Resources

So you’re interested in making fear your future? There has never been a better time to start the practice of micro-bravery in order to build the courage and confidence to create the change you seek in work and life.

We’ve put together a list of useful resources below to help you kick-start making fear your future.


Consider BKindred For Your Business Or Professional Community Group

At BKindred, we partner with corporations and professional communities, to amplify future-ready skills that enable businesses and individuals to thrive. If you’re seeking innovative ways to future proof your team culture and capability, consider BKindred.To find out more, take a look at our innovative programs or book a time to discuss your specific requirements.



Fear Is Your Future Slides

Download a PDF of the slides from Fear Is Your Future.


What Is Intentional Adaptability and why is it a critical skill set for the future?

Click here to learn more about our world-first educational programs that teach you and your people how to amplify their IAQ® in order to effectively navigate and exponential future.


60 Reasons To Make Fear Your Future

The language you use will determine your ability to make change. Click here to download our free 60 Reasons To Make Fear Your Future tool. Print it out and place it somewhere that you will see every day. You’ll be amazed at how this can subconsciously shift your mindset towards fear.


Take The Free Future Proof Self Assessment

Click here to undertake our FREE Future Proof Self Assessment. This is a great way to understand your future-ready baseline and implement a few simple hacks to level up your IAQ® skills.


Follow BKindred On Socials

If social is your thing, this is where you can follow us on Instagram or LinkedIn.