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Two circles of different colors.

1 on 1 Coaching

Spark You Coaching

Fast-track your freedom and your impact with my bespoke one on one coaching customised to your specific needs.

Jump here to complete a few short questions and to book a breakthrough call so that we can find the right fit for you.

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A group of hexagons of different colors connected with one another.

Group Coaching

The Balance Collective

A transformative group coaching program designed to empower busy working women to reconnect with themselves, their energy and their joy so that they can feel alive, in flow and magnetic.

Join the waitlist for the next cohort.

I Want In
Portrait of a woman with glasses and brown shirt.


“I feel lighter, happier and connected to my truth. Penny took me outside of my square. Helped me realise I was not alone and I was giving away all of my power. This made it OK to prioritise me and what I wanted. It lessoned the impact that the actions and words of others had on me.”

Portrait of a woman with glasses wearing a suit blazer.


“Penny didn’t wave a magic wand and fix my life; she gave me the skills to do this for myself.”

Portrait of a woman wearing a suit blazer.


“Penny's lived experience really made the difference for me. Where I've done different programs of the same sort of nature, it’s felt more preachy than real, but Penny has experience you can relate to, it makes you realise change is possible.”

Portrait of a woman with a plaid shirt.


“I’m now so much more aware of the opportunities around me and which direction I want to go in, every single aspect of my life has changed. For so long I saw myself as someone who didn’t deserve things, I was timid and didn’t speak up at work, in case people didn't think I was perfect. Now I see myself as an asset, I see the value in myself. I believe in myself and I ask for what I want.”