Future Proof Episode #27 Sheree Rubenstein

July 17, 2018

Future Proof Episode #27 Sheree Rubenstein

What's holding you back?

Penny spent time with Sheree Rubenstein, founder of One Roof, Australia's leading co-working space for women-led businesses. They talk about what's holding back gender equality - systemic challenges, unconscious bias, cultural tendencies, social assumptions, confidence, and self-belief.

How do we create equality? We need to think really big. The more women that show up, take action, and lead by example, the more we can show other women what's possible. However, how many amazing women do we meet that don't value the skills they've got or realise their potential? Imagine if we can turn that potential up by 5% - what amazing things can happen.

How have you shown up recently? We would love to hear. Pop your comments on Penny’s YouTube Channel.

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