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Adapt At Any Age | Episode 33

May 12, 2020

Adapt At Any Age | Episode 33


71 and Teaching Yoga: To celebrate Mother's Day and share a story that has already inspired 8,000+ people on LinkedIn, I decided to invite my amazing Mum, Sandra Reed, onto the Human First podcast couch. Since COVID-19 hit I have been committed to sharing stories that uplift and encourage a little more joy into our days. This week is no exception.

At age 60 my mum (who had been a farmer) decided to reinvent herself and become a yoga teacher. She went on to start a small business that provided yoga to those in her community who were aged over 60 and wanted to keep moving. Mum and her students love what she's created which is why she's still going at 71. That's right, a 71-year-old yoga teacher! When COVID-19 hit, the classes stopped, meaning Mum's students would miss their weekly exercise highlight... that was until my brother and I taught Mum how to use Zoom. Mum started experimenting, purchased a Bluetooth microphone and last week ran her first online yoga classes. I was so proud to join and support her as I knew it would feel a little weird and perhaps challenging the first couple of times. Mum is far from tech savvy but she is intentionally adaptable, and that skill has ensured that she and her students can continue to have their yoga joy in lockdown.

This Week We Discuss:
  • How change, in bite-size pieces builds the courage and confidence to step into bigger change over time
  • Why being true to who you are is so much more fulfilling than being normal or trying to please others
  • How a mindset change can open up possibilities you never imagined and help others at the same time
Where To Find Sandra:
If you'd like to find out more about Sandra's online yoga classes for someone over 60, please reach out to Penny via email. She's been a little inundated so we are in the throes of setting up a website.

Where To Find Penny

Hack Happiness With Penny

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