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Falling Through The COVID-19 Cracks | Episode 34

May 25, 2020

Falling Through The COVID-19 Cracks | Episode 34


Adapting to support asylum seekers:
Have you stopped to consider who might be falling through the cracks of COVID-19? Penny Locaso joins Asylum Seeker Resource Centre Innovation Leader Abiola Ajetomobi as she shares the effect of COVID-19 on those seeking asylum. There is no safety net for those who have contributed to our society whilst their visa applications are being processed, which means they are just one of many groups of humans falling through the cracks.

This Week We Explore:
  • Embracing content as a skill at a moment of pause
  • How life has become small environmentally and how that impacts our humanity
  • Why being present is so critical at a time when the future can feel overwhelming
  • Why we need to be kinder to ourselves in isolation
  • Why taking agency over what you can control can be so helpful in adapting in a crisis
  • How we need to be more humanistic in how we approach one another
Where To Find Abiola

Where To Find Penny

Hack Happiness With Penny
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