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Let's Get Real And Human | Episode 18

March 10, 2019

Let's Get Real And Human | Episode 18


A raw look at being human on your entrepreneurial journey. In this episode of the Human First Podcast, Penny Locaso gets vulnerable and honest about what it means to be human on this entrepreneurial journey. Hint: It's coming to terms that there's no silver bullet or shortcut in realising your dream.

This week, we explore the lessons Penny has learned in her Intentional Adaptability Quotient® (IAQ®) journey:

  • Change comes with sacrifice. Be conscious about what you'll need to give up, and accept that choice
  • Self-doubt does not go away. The closer you are to your dream, the bigger your self-doubt becomes
  • Growth occurs with pain. When you feel discomfort, it might be something you should be doing
  • Watching others is sometimes unhealthy. Don't compare apples to oranges

Where To Find Penny


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