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Busy Is The Enemy Of Happiness | Episode 11

January 25, 2021

Busy Is The Enemy Of Happiness | Episode 11




I’ve been thinking a lot lately about time and how our use of it impacts our level of energy, anxiety and our happiness.


Because if I had a $ for every time I sat down with a smart, successful woman who told me her dream and then told me she didn’t have the time to make it happen because she was too busy... I’d be a wealthy woman.

My aim in this podcast is to help you take back control of your time so that you can eliminate the distraction and create the space for more of what lights you up.

Together we will explore:

  • why busy is a barrier to creating the change you seek
  • how your brain does it's best work in stillness
  • 6 Ways To Minimise Distraction and Create The Space For More Of What Matters

If you'd like to go deep on where your opportunities lie for a less busy more intentional life take the free Hacking Happy Assessment I mention in this episode via hackinghhappyassessment.com 

If anything I shared in today’s episode struck a chord with you, slide into my DMs on Instagram (@hackinghappy.co) to let me know all the details!

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Thanks for listening to this week's episode! If this podcast helped you in your journey to injecting more of what matters into each day, please head over to iTunes, subscribe to the show, and leave us an honest review. Your reviews help us to continue to create content that enables meaningful change and reach more amazing humans like you.


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