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How To Build The Confidence To Say No | Episode 12

January 29, 2021

How To Build The Confidence To Say No | Episode 12




When was the last time you said yes to something you didn’t want to do?

How did it feel, how long did it take, what did it take you away from?

For most of the people I meet, saying yes to things they don’t want to do because they’d prefer to avoid the discomfort a NO brings is a daily practice.

A practice that impacts our happiness, and our ability to live the life that we want.

In this podcast I want to explore with you:

  • the word NO and how using it more often can create the space for more YES around what matters to you
  • 5 simple ways to build your confidence in delivering an intentional NO more often.

If anything I shared in today’s episode struck a chord with you, slide into my DMs on Instagram (@hackinghappy.co) to let me know all the details!

Looking to go deeper into how you can hack your happiness? Why not take a look at our new Start Simple Be Happy program. It's the place to start when you don't know where to start. Go to startsimplebehappy.com for all the details.

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Thanks for listening to this week's episode! If this podcast helped you in your journey to injecting more of what matters into each day, please head over to iTunes, subscribe to the show, and leave us an honest review. Your reviews help us to continue to create content that enables meaningful change and reach more amazing humans like you.


  • Take a read of my blog The Art Of No for more details on how to get your NO
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