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Haters and finding your voice | Episode 93

July 11, 2023

Haters and finding your voice | Episode 93

Your voice should be heard. 

I’ve started to notice a trend... so many coaching clients come to me to find and share their voice into the world for impact.

How that manifests is unique to every client it might mean starting a podcast, speaking on stage, starting a business or stepping into that leadership position you deserve to own.

Now what I find interesting is that the reason these women often struggle to find their voice and speak their truth is fear.

Fear of judgement and what others will think.

This podcast is about stepping into vulnerability and owning your voice and in the process your truth and your potential.

Resources & Links

  • If you're ready to invest in reigniting your spark with a supportive tribe of soul-led women who get you because they're on the same journey check out The Calm Collective group coaching program HERE
  • If you need to create the space to self-disrupt and inject more of what gives you meaning into your life join me on my upcoming reTREAT HERE

Subscribe & Review The Hacking Happy Podcast

Thanks for listening to this week's episode! If this podcast helped you in your journey to injecting more of what makes you feel good into each day please head over to iTunes, subscribe to the show, and leave us an honest review.

It's your reviews that enable me to impact more lives for the happier!