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Transformation Therapy: What it is and why it might be just what you need to get out of a funk.

July 06, 2023

Transformation Therapy: What it is and why it might be just what you need to get out of a funk.

A safe space for exhausted women.

An impromptu podcast to address the growing need to support exhausted high-performing women who don't know where to go with how they feel.

In this podcast I want to share with you my response to reflecting on the cries for help I constantly hear from women who long to make a meaningful shift in their work and or life, who know they can't do it alone but are not in a position to pay for a full coaching service and to be frank need something a little different when they are running on empty.

Resources and Links

  • HERE you will find all the details on Transformation Therapy and to book your first session.

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