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What a real 8 year business journey looks like - Part 2 | Episode 83

March 17, 2023

What a real 8 year business journey looks like - Part 2 | Episode 83

This episode of the Hacking Happy podcast continues on where we left off last week and forms Part 2 in my series entitled What a real 8-year business journey looks like.

In case you missed the Part 1 I highly recommend you venture back and listen to Episode 82 first to get the full story.

In short it's 8 years since I turned my back on a crazy salary in a global giant, registered my business name and stepped into the great unknown that comes with building a business from absolutely nothing.

When I reflect back, I remember thinking can I do this? Am I crazy? Which is now one of the most common questions I get asked from prospective coaching clients who want to make a significant shift in their career, life of business.

This is why I created this two part podcast series, to expose what it really looks like to build a business over 8 years.

This is not your Instagram-filtered BS journey of how I became a millionaire in six months it’s a journey into experimentation, expansion, reflection and the roller coaster ride of emotion that goes with it.

So, strap yourself in as I walk you through my experience in the hope that if you are on the precipice of wanting to make a shift into shaping your own purpose-led business you do so with eyes wide open and a sense of knowing you are not alone.

To celebrate this wild and wondrous journey with you, I want to extend an invitation to attend my FREE hands-on workshop, 3 Steps to create the space to reignite your spark! Register here
Thanks for listening to this weeks episode! If this podcast helped you in your journey to injecting more of what makes you feel good into each day please head over to iTunes, subscribe to the show, and leave us an honest review. Your reviews enable me to impact more lives for the happier!