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TEDx Melbourne

November 09, 2018

TEDx Melbourne

In a world of exponential technological advancement, the only guaranteed constant is change. Yet many of us fear it and lack the skills to leverage change to our advantage.

Fear Is Your Future seeks to provoke curiosity and demonstrate how fear is the greatest lever available to us, in making impactful and meaningful change, in a future of unknowns.

Three years ago, Penny turned her life upside down. In a 7-month period, she left a 16-year career as an executive, relocated a family from Perth back to Melbourne, Australia left an 18-year relationship, and started BKindred. When Penny couldn’t find a global education company, that could skill her to future-proof her happiness, she went out and created one.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organised by a local community.